Samsung introduced a special offer for Galaxy S25 users at the recent Galaxy Unpacked event. When you buy any Galaxy S25, S25+, or S25 Ultra, you will receive 6 months of free Gemini Advanced – the most advanced version of Gemini from Google.
Gemini Advanced is an artificial intelligence model designed to handle complex tasks with much higher performance than the free version. Galaxy S25 users not only have access to Gemini Advanced features, but also enjoy 2TB of free cloud storage, supporting synchronization across all devices linked to the same Google account.
A highlight of Gemini Advanced is the Gems feature, which helps customize the way AI works to suit each person's specific needs. Some of the built-in Gems include support for idea generation, career advice, or programming-related work. Users can also create new Gems themselves to optimize as they wish, something the free version cannot do.
Normally, Gemini Advanced is offered for a fee of $ 19.99 per month. However, Galaxy S25 users will experience it for free for 6 months before deciding to continue subscribing to this service.