Samsung Galaxy S24 has officially received its first security update of 2025. The January security patch is now available for the Galaxy S24, Galaxy S24+, and Galaxy S24 Ultra, including devices running One UI 6.1/6.1.1 (Android 14) and One UI 7.0 beta (Android 15).

The update is rolling out in South Korea and some carrier-locked devices in the United States. Samsung plans to expand the update to more countries and regions in the coming months.

While it doesn't come with any major improvements, the January security patch is still important, with 29 vulnerabilities in the Android operating system fixed by Google, and 22 security flaws specific to Galaxy devices addressed by Samsung.

The update has a codename ending in AXL1 or AXL2. Users can download it by going to Settings ยป Software update on their Galaxy device and selecting Download and Install.