Samsung has officially deployed One UI 6.0 based on Android 14 for the Galaxy S23 series in many regions around the world. The company has started posting articles introducing the improvements and new features of this update. Notably, in the article related to the camera on One UI 6.0, the Galaxy S20 and Galaxy Note 20 are mentioned, leading many users to believe that these two product lines will also be upgraded to Android 14. So does this mean really happened or not?

No, unfortunately, the Galaxy S20 and Note 20 will not receive the One UI 6.0 update like we mistakenly thought. While these products all appear in Samsung's article, they will only receive some features of the Galaxy Enhance-X app. In the caption, the company says the features it mentioned in the article will come to devices running One UI 6.0 (or higher), including the Galaxy S20 and Galaxy Note 20. However, that is possible. is a mistake in expression. Maybe the company is trying to say:

“Available on Galaxy S23 series, S22 series, S21 series, S20 series, Note20 series, Z Fold5, Z Flip5, Z Fold4, Z Flip4, Z Fold3, Z Flip3, Z Fold2, Z Flip 5G, Z Flip LTE, A54, A53, A34, A33, M54, M53, M34, M33 and devices running on One UI 6.0 or later.”

Samsung only promised three Android version updates for the Galaxy S20 and Galaxy Note 20 at launch in 2020 and has not made any changes until now. These devices come pre-installed with Android 10, then receive Android 11, Android 12, and Android 13. The policy of supporting four Android updates only applies to Galaxy S21 and above.

So, if you are using the Galaxy S20 and Galaxy Note 20, don't get your hopes up about receiving the One UI 6.0 (Android 14) update for your device.