Download Samsung Galaxy Note9 SM-N960N - LUC - N960NKSU3CSI2

Download the firmware flash for Samsung Galaxy Note9 with the code is SM-N960N. This firmware for the region with CSC code is LUC (LUC - South Korea). Please make sure the code is correct. You can check model code in Setting - About, in Download mode or you can find it by flipping your phone or among the things you found in the box. This product PDA version is N960NKSU3CSI2 and Android version is Pie(Android 9). This firmware size is 4.28 GB.

This firmware is official from Samsung Cloud Server. Of course, we recommend you are using official Samsung tool like Samsung Smart Switch or Samsung Kies. will not responsible for any damage caused by using the files on this website

  • ANDROID VERSION Pie(Android 9)
  • SIZE 4.28 GB  Full Files
  • MD5 ce850bb9bccc73d8ba0594b92de57a25
  • CSC
  • BUILD DATE 20190906090453
  • ADD DATE 2019-09-19 09:22:53
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Lastest combinations Galaxy Note9 SM-N960N
Device Version Bit/SW REV. FA Change list
SM-N960N / Galaxy Note9 N960NKSU3ASG1 3 FA81 CL13995954
SM-N960N / Galaxy Note9 N960NKSU2ARI2 2 FA80
 How to flash Samsung Galaxy Note9 SM-N960N firmware

1. Extract (unzip) the Samsung firmware file. Recommended using WinRAR or 7-Zip

2. Download Odin Tool 3.13.1

3. Extract Odin ZIP file

4. Open Odin execute file

5. Reboot Samsung phone in Download Mode (hold Home + Power + Volume Down buttons / hold Volume Down + Bixby buttons then plug-in cable)

6. Connect you Samsung phone and wait until you get a blue sign in Odin

7. Add the 1 file Samsung firmware to AP/PDA or 4 files Samsung firmware (AP/BL/CP/CSC) to it's slots

8. Make sure re-partition is NOT ticked

9. Click the START button, sit back and wait few minutes

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